I am a hardcore zelda fan but im not giving this a 10 because no game is perfect but its defintly a fantastic game

User Rating: 9.6 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
ocarine of time is probably the best zelda game in the series hands down its better then wind waker and majors mask the 2 latest 3d installments the moment you start the game you know your going to be hooked the layout was actually different but it offered the same thrills in combat puzzle solving and exploration from the previous installments the z targeting is a whole lot better then in wind waker since it locks on to enemies that or further away better and it makes combat a blast even espically in boss fights though its not very deep the main enemy is the puzzles and these aren't just roadblocks these are very creative and require thinking it also has some nice level layouts and its 20 hours long and theres lots of dungeons but my favorite one is probably the Fire temple and adult link is the coolest which another reason i like this game the best i didn't give it a 10 because i don't believe in flawless video games and switching between items gets kind of annoying but it defintly deserve a 9.6 and thats honestly the highest rating a videogame usally will get by me actually the highest is probably 9.8