This has got to be the most overrated game of all time (got your attention?)

User Rating: 7 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
I've played Zelda since the first one and its one of my favorite series. This game is one of the worst in the series. When it first came out my friend (another avid Zedla fan) said "theres not enough enimies, all you do is run around and its supposed to feel grand" Well he was right for the most part. Another thing that gets me about all the other reviews they talk about how grand and encomppassing the game is, "you step out into the field and its so large." blah blah blah. They did this in Mario people and makes this game look like.... well you know. I have to be honest the game is good but when people give these holy grail reviews, the people who want to give a real review like to pop the cloud of blind praise. So don't take my harsh words as me not liking the game. Its good okay? I mean everyone I knew was playing this game when it came out because it was Zelda. We said the same thing, its just missing something. There isn't that many enemies IMO, you might do a whole bunch of running around for hours getting almost nothing done, but unlike other Zeldas' it wears on you much quicker. Final boss - its not only the easiest Zelda final boss its the easiest Ganon ever. He's pretty close to being the easiest boss in the game. I was so shocked at how lame he was. Majoras Mask has more heart and I hate that game too. I've read a few and I mean few reviews where people say that people need to get a life who worship this game so much. Its a decent game. Props on the scope and everything but this game just isn't worthy of the G.O.A.T title not even close. Mario 64 has a better chance. Talk about near perfection. Look I know this game brought many innovations and I am a standing ovation to any kind of innovation. This game is Mario 64 with a sword. Yoshi comes in the form of a horse. NOt literally but sane people get the drift. People love this game to an insane degree, it just gets an overwhelming amount of Fatal Attraction waiting on your doorstep type love. Not because its just that nice but because its Zelda. This game is the unrefutable proof that a rep can mean everything in the world. This game is proof that a rep just might be worth dying for. Just maybe...