I bought this game when I was 7 years old. 7 Years later, I still replay this game. It is one of the best games I have ever played to this day. For Nintendo64, the graphics were state of the art, the music was great, the gameplay was unmatchable. You can't fault this game for too much, because there's not much to fault. The difficulty of the temples was pretty balanced. Some were incredibly hard, while other are so, so easy. (Water temple... so hard)
The story is great, you change from child to adult, you save the world. You save the princess, what the hell else do you want?
With tons of baddies to kill, plenty of Minigames to play, and many secrets to unfold, this may be the best game, (dare I say it) ever made.
If you havent played this game, I don't know what to tell you. It's on the ube right now, if you can't find the N64 version.
Other Helpful Reviews for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Well what can we say about this game!! That is has changed the game industry so much that if a gamer has not played it he really isn't a true gamer? Or should we say that it has had such an impact in all of us and raised... Read Full Review
have been a loyal Zelda fan since 2003, when I got the GCN w/Zelda Collector's Edition for Christmas this year. Before that, I didnt really understand the Zelda franchise. My best friend would bring Majora's Mask over ev... Read Full Review