Very Good yet not as many secrets

User Rating: 9.6 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
For the record this game was AWSOME !!! I just like Majoras Mask better. The sound was very good. Just humming Saria's song was the best. Dududo dududo Anyways it was great ( just some of the Ocarina songs were depressing,) Graphic wise, excellent for its time. Game play is GREAT all the temples are dun but get boring when you get stuck. It's great how you start off in the woods and finish off in a ring of fire facing Ganon. I thought the storyline was good but I like Majora's storyline better. I would like if it had more side quests like Majora had and just a better storyline. All in all GREAT!!! Definitely a must have for N64.