Why toot on a navi and crap in a bottle of moo moo milk! This game owns everything in site. No, but really, great game..

User Rating: 8.8 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina is a great game for all ages, and was the ownage of games back in the days. Pick up your sword and shield, and charge into battle!!! Get a bow, slingshot, new swords, and much more in this game. This game has a great storyline, as well as a giant cast of characters. This game and get confusing and frustrating because of all the puzzles and mind games, but all in all, this is a fun game. Not only does it hit you up with a barrel rolling good time of gameplay, but it also has a LONG LONG STORY. And it will own you...pwease play this game!