The best of the series!

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
This is by far the best Zelda series I have ever played.
People who owns an N64 should already have this game because if you don't then you are definitely missing out on one of the greatest game on two previous generations.
This is a must buy item and there's definitely no hesitations on purchasing this game.
If you don't believe me, just simply go read any magazines that reviewed the game or any website for references...
Honestly all of them says the same thing of what I'm stating right now about the game.
The game brings you the story, the characters, and a great memorable game experience of your time.
The music are very well tuned thanks to Nintendo's amazing orchestra.
The characters are funny and best suited their personality.
The stages are also well designed and pretty much matches the game's story
Buy this game! It's wonderful, fun, amazing, and a memorable gaming experience at it's best!!!