Closest one will get to the perfect gaming experience.
A 91 tracked soundtrack, this epic game makes you use your brain to solve countless puzzles you'll have to do and actually WANT to do. The characters are fun to listen to and bosses are tensely GREAT to play.
This game has to be played to be understood of its sheer power. To annoying times, to great times, to creepy times, Orcarina of Time has it all!
In comparison to other adventure games, this game created its own genre much like Super Smash Bros did and makes sure no game for over a century could ever dream to top. (Still the highest rated game in history...even compared to Halo. -_-)
The game doesn't know what load times mean, so you don't have to worry about loading screens to explore such rich lands. It's only you and the sheer fun of experiencing something different.
The reply value is high even today! With so many secrets and events, this will appeal to almost every hardcore/true gamer.