This game is the perfect game ver....The Best IN THE WORLD!!!!Who doesn´t like this game are definetly a loser!!!
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
When i played zelda a link to the past in my first time...I imagine a game with a lot elements......And this game came when i bought my second video game!!!My first game was Zelda, because i wanted to know how it is!!!And i was correct!!!!The game impressed me!!!I spend a lot of time playing that game....I beat the game once twice and i had one conclusion!!!´´THIS GAME WILL ROCK´´!!!And that happen...This serie is the best of ALL!!!WHO doesn´t have Zelda Ocarina of time in N64(Ocarina of time) or in Game Cube (Master Quest), are loosing the BEST GAME EVER!!!AND THE LAST THING I WAANNA SAY FOR WHO DOES´T LIKED,´´THINK TWICE MAN´´!
A lot of people must do questions like that ´´-Ow this guy gives only 10 to Zelda OH my god,this guy don´t know nothing about game´´.......But i give back...You have ever seen a game with that History?Do have ever seen a big hero....I think Zelda games are the best in the world....I like others like MGS,DMC...But none of them is better than Zelda!!!WHO DOESN´T LIKE ZELDA, DON`T KNOW WHAT IS A GOOD GAME