The best Virtual Console game you will ever play
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
The legend of Zelda ocarina of time was first released in 1999 for the Nintendo 64. Then it was released on the gamecube as special bonus if you pre-ordered the wind waker and included the new version of it called Mastre's Quest. Then it was released on the gamecube once more, it was a special bundlepack that had The Legend of Zelda, Zelda, The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, and The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask. And it was finally released for the Wii. This is by far the best version of them all, if you have a classic controller, you'll feel very comfortable because the button layout is so easy and similar to the comfortable Super Nintendo controller, but if you have the Gamecube version of Ocarina of Time and wan't to not waste time figuring what button does what in this game, go ahead live a little
This game all comes at a budget price of $10.00, which i think is the best deal (other than ebay) because its a great game, probably the best game ever made.
As for the story line, well its kinda obvious, save Zelda stop Ganondorf, the usual, but Ocarina of Time is like the prequal to it all, its like the first Zelda game. The cool thing though, is that once you get the master sword and the blue ocarina you can back and forth in time, pluswhen your adult link (you start out as kid link) you can ride your horse around which is fun. Sure the graphics are the usual N64 but hey, graphics don't make the game fun, its a about gameplay.
So if your looking for something thats really fun get this game, if you hate fun and bunnies, stay far away but i say get this game!!!