Quite possibly the greatest game ever made.
You start out as Young Link in his home forest, and end up on a journey to stop the evil Ganondorf from finding the Triforce and taking over the land of Hyrule. However, through a shocking and awesome turn of events, you find yourself as an Adult Link, seven years later, in a Hyrule that is no longer bright and shiny, but desolate and decayed. Each cutscene is important and gorgeous, and the story leaves no loose ends and no unsatisfying feelings. To keep everything unspoiled, the story is simply amazing and well worth paying attention to.
Every single puzzle, whether it is as simple as flipping a switch and running to the door that waProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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just unlocked before the timer ran out, or solving something complex spanning multiple rooms, every puzzle leaves you feeling accomplished about yourself once completed. Some puzzles get quite crazy, and can be very challenging, but none are frustratingly difficult and, with a bit of brainpower, all of them can be solved. Unlike some other games, there is never really a part you can get stuck at because it's just too difficult. All the puzzles are excellently made.
The combat system, though, changed gaming forever, with the introduction of Z-Targeting. Basically, with the touch and hold of the Z button (or touch, depending on your preferred setting), you lock onto an enemy and strafe around them, keeping them in focus. Doesn't sound like much, but it is the most handy thing in the world when trying to fight an enemy in a 3D adventure game. Instead of trying to move around so the enemy is fixated in the middle of the scree, you just hold down Z and then you can fight them with them in focus. I know I completely butchered how awesome the Z targeting system really is, but just play it and you'll know exactly what I mean.
Every aspect of this game is seamlessly integrated into what becomes an overall unbelievably incredible experience that will never leave you. If you haven't played this game yet, do yourself and do society a favor and go PLAY THIS GAME!!!!!!