Zelda is AMAZING
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
I think that this is one of the best zelda games of all time. I am a hardcore fan of zelda, so I like most of them, but mainly I like the ones that have very original storylines. My personal favorites were OOS and OOA, and I liked them because if you link them up, you can get a master sword, and fight ganon. They had great storylines. I mostly like the ones which you fight ganondorf or ganon, with the master sword. Ocarina of Time takes the cake. It's storyline is great, and long. The graphics even now, arent that bad since you can still find the details and manage. I loved going back and forth through time and playing through both worlds, young link, and Older link. The world was very diverse. The levels are very entertaining, and the Bosses *wow*, well youll just have to see how great this game is.