a game that cannot be denied or thou shall kill thy self.....or just admit your stupid
the gameplay still holds up to this day as the greatest game ever its a game that shows not just an exception on standards but the rules from the point it was released and automatic jumping was really cool to i liked the fact they put that in and it seemed to fit really well even though that i did have doubts in my first experience but i should have never doubted the game to be more then perfect
the best of the best then and it still holds up now quite the amazing feat the n64 was able to do with the game and with a bunch of other games i felt like ocarina of time was the first game to take something good and make it awesome and show that movies or so last week and video games are the new thing and this game represents that well
i would say in conclusion that....well its the best game of all time you have to owe it to yourself and get this game and add it to ur n64 collection you can download it off of the wii virtual console for 10$ but tomorrow i will be reviewing a game that had a much different effect on the field of gaming release ironically a year after ocarina of time