A good game overall, could have been spiced up a little.
The story, was pretty good. I guess some of the mini quests and gameplay make the game worth playing. Still, I wish the characters would have been flushed out more then being kind of dull, I think personally, even if I continue play Zelda games. Links character has really no real personality, besides being brave and that's it. I know some or most don't care but I think Princess Ruto was a interesting character and her personality (and love story) could have been better and/or flushed out. Also I wished the game gave more insite of Zelda herself and Ganondorf, you only see them a few times, they could have thrown in a few good cutscenes. Well, this is all I'll say that how the game could have been better.
The gameplay, the controls works perfectly. It was pretty fun to play and doing the side quests. The only thing I hate is the 2 sleath levels. Come on, this is not Metal Gear Solid, leave the sleath in that game leave it out of Zelda, this should be just a pure action/adventure game.
The graphics was pretty good at the time. The cutscenes could have been a little better quality then the gameplay graphics to wow us. Overall, not too much of a problem here.
The sound work is perfect. Personally, I wished there could have been voice work. The thing is I always call Link, Link. Don't really have real issues for the sound.
The value. Well the game is at least good for one run through, unless you would keep the game to play it as least once in a long while when you forget about anything about the game.
I am hopeing that the next Zelda game for Gamecube and Will will be tons better then this game. Hopefully a great story then the tipical story, excellent characters, including Link's, graphics should be excellent on the Wii version hopefully everything should be prefect for that game. Still it would not hurt if there was a remake of this game. A better or different story, maybe giving Ruto a major role. Yes, I know this was a long review and I know there are things people would like what they read, hey at least this is a free contry and I can voice my opionion on anything including a game.
Well, I'm looking forward to the next hopefully great Zelda game!