An example for all other games of its genre.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time will have you entranced from the introduction. Part of an ever-amazing series of Nintendo games, this one is the best installment by far. Everyone from core to family gamers can enjoy this game.

The quintessence of good gameplay, its system is simple yet efficient. You have a choice between your swords, shields, turnics, and boots, plus a very wide array of items to equip for different tasks. Link can equip anything from little sticks to heavy hammers, a little slingshot to a big boy's bow.

They can all be used in a C-button system. While your basic fencing revolves around the sword equipped to your B button, all your items are equipped to the c button. You can use the shield with R button.

The A button is the general action button and the up C button switches you to a camera mode, but the most important button, and the essence of Zelda gameplay, is the Z button. It is the best lock-on system you'll ever use and makes for amazing battles. You can truly fence, and really whip out the techniques while z-targeting.

Aside from the gameplay, Ocarina of Time will catch your attention with a rich storyline and fascinating side quests like sellng happy masks, curing a big oaf's eyes, and generally spreading joy throughout the extensive land of Hyrule.

So in the beginning you're a little Kokiri boy set aside from the rest, and by the end you're the Hero of Time. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a classic and one game you'll have to play during your lifetime.