A Classic game with newer graphics and the inclusion of the Master Quest Mode
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 3DS
Now if you have not played the originall game then don't even continue go get a Nintendo 64 and play it. Now the game starts out the same as the originall so we all the story of the game. the hero link or whatever you name him gets awanked by that anoying fairy Navi you then go to the great deku tree to lift the curse from him after that you main quest begins to rid Hyrule of evil. In this game you will get many cool items from a bow to a boomerang. The 3d part of this game looks really amazing except it is an eyesore after a while but that's why you can turn it off. The temples have the same layout but the over all look of the temples is amazing they did a good job on improving the graphics of the game its like they are not the same at all. the item screen is still there but easy to use and with the ocrarina always in its own slot you can equip up to 4 items which makes it easy to use. the motion control is ok but i prefer the original aim any day. So overall this is one of the best games off all time