User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 3DS
This game is awesome! I got it at gamestop, USED. The guy said if I beat it in 7 days I could get a refund. Well, I beat the whole thing without any hints, guides, or walkthroughs in 5 days and it was mind-blowing!!

This game was new to me, I had never played the N64 ersion or Gamecube version (Which is saying something since I am 19).

This game is so amazing, I'm buying a new version on amazon for $30.00 (Get it on amazon, you save $10.00) AND PLAYING IT AGAIN. And when I'm done, I'M PLAYING IT AGAIN ON THE MASTER QUEST. That's right folks, after you beat the game you can play it again with harder puzzles. I can't wait.

I want to make it clear that this game is amazing but not perfect. I would give it a 9.7 if there was an option. This game has aged well, has improved graphics and is all around a premier single player experience. Unfortunately, this game caters to audiences of all ages, a design choice that I wish was not there.

Now I know it sound crazy, but I wish this game had better combat. The dungeons are great, but the combat could really be improved to make people take this game more seriously. This however, is not something that will change. The cartoon-like combat is here to stay.

Second, some of the puzzles are too damn difficult. Every dungeon was fine, but there were times when the game would expect bizarre logic from you. It's surprising because most of the game is so intuitive, but smartly intuitive.

The story is great, but there are parts that don't quite make sense. For example (slight, SLIGHT spoiler) one village is completely unaffected by the Evil that has consumed the world. An evil king has taken over but then does absolutely nothing. He just kind of holes up in his castle for no apparent reason, gaining seemingly no benefits for all his conquering. I guess I should say that I wish there was a more matured and well thought out story.

All in all, worth every penny and then some, but not PERFECT. No game is truly perfect.