Best Zelda

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64
This was the game that first got me into real videogaming. The first time I played it, I knew I just had to have this game for myself. It's my all-time favourite since - to say the least. I've played it through quite often and it never gets boring. This game is a reason to own a N64, or a GC.
The graphics, for N64 standards, were really outstanding. Realistic, interactive levels that have their own atmosphere and aren't the same in any way with any other levels of this game. The story was excellent, it got you involved in the story of the Legend of Zelda, without sounding a bit stupid. It's a must have for anyone interested in adventure/action genres!

Apart from this, OoT is the only game that feels so complete, and I haven't happened to play a game that matches this masterpiece. It's a legend of a game. Everyone who has not played this, is missing out on something amazing.

Review break-down:
Gameplay >> Easy, straightforward and simply excellent.
Graphics >> Very good for N64 standards. It emerges you in a wide world with different inhabitants living in different areas of the game. The graphics give you a feel to what the atmosphere is like.
Sound >> Amazing. Very nice melodic music, and the music makes the game feel much more realistic and gives you the impression of being right there, in this adventure.
Value >> It lasts as long as you play it for. You might rush this game, or you might wander around and look at all the places and do the minigames. Up to you, but, it does take a fair amount of time to complete the game.
Reviewer's Tilt >> I just have to say it's a perfect game to me. I love adventure games and this is my favourite one for years and there is no other game that can match this game. It entertains me a lot to play it, it's very enjoyable and it's not too hard, although there is some challenge. The game is very nicely laid out and made. It's amazingly perfect.