Awesome, Exciting, Brilliant, Magnificent.. what else is there to say?
Gameplay wise, this game is basicly your standard action adventure game, you play as a young boy set off to defeat Ganondorf and restore peace to Hyrule. The meat of the game here is the mind numbing dungeons, few are very very hard.. and I think we know which ones they are. Between dungeons you will have a number of sidequests to do, they can take up to 6 hours added up and to look for EVERY secret then add 10 hours to your main quests time. It is'nt the most TERRIBLY unique gameplay ever but it certainly still holds the test of time.
Holy crap, these graphics were just.. insanely good, as the opening in Kokiri Forest shows, these were the best graphics on the 64 until, Majoras Mask.. Anyway there are all sorts of great texture design and draw distance. I am also not judgeing the score for this section based on current gen graphics by the way.. so I think these graphics truly showed why the N64 kicked ass.
The Sound in the game is very well done, but as you can see it got an "8" that does not mean it is bad, just could have been improved. The Music is just a great memorable flare. Each piece goes well with the surrounding area you are in. What bugged me was the music just constantly played and got some what old after years of playing it. It is not the big of a deal just a minor thing.
The Vaule is fairly good, all you have at your hands is the Main Quest, which on your first time could take from 20 to 30 hours not counting sidequests. That is one hell of a long game. It took me from 1998 to 2003 or so to beat this game for the first time.. However I usually just played it for 20 minutes a month. I dont know why, maybe It was too hard at the time.
Overall, I wish games like this were still made today, with the nearby release of Twilight Princess I hope we can fully relive the good old days back on our N64. If you have not played this game yet, I STRONGLY urge you to get the N64 version, if you only have a gamecube then buy a used copy of collectors edition or masterquest edition. This game is too epic to pass up, it is an absoulte must own!