Have you ever played a great game you never really got?
The gameplay is great. It plays like an SNES game and allows you to switch items using the buttons. You play it like any other 2D Zelda game.
There is something about this game I didn't like though. Gameplay wise I can't put my finger on it. The side scrolling sections were a nice break, though occasionally frustrating.
I found this game awkwardly difficult, just because I completely missed what was going on. (This is coming from a person who beat Master Quest without a guide) I think I got stuck around the 4th dungeon in both seasons and ages.
If I remember correctly, you could also get on some annoying animals in the game, but they were more annoying than anything else.
The best on the GBC by a long shot. Game looks like it would be a low end GBA game. That is saying a lot considering how much more powerful the GBA is.
Unlike Minish Cap and the other Zelda's, most of the music in the game is forgettable, and the few great tracks are far too short, but that is most likely because it is a GBC game. The sword swipes and item sounds do sound especially good because this is a GBC game.
The game is incredibly long with plenty of opportunities to go off the beaten path for an extra heart, item or anything else.
I usually comprise tilt of how the games story got me into the game... but definitely not this time. The story got me into the game and everything. I played this game, and was into it, but I just stopped liking it around the 4th dungeon in seasons, and in some kangeroo part in ages. Wait... I figured that out actually, I'm at the part where my items were stolen. Whatever, I haven't played the game in years because I just didn't find it engaging.
This is a great game in every way. I just wasn't great for me.