This game is about when onox tries to take over. And in the secondary quest twinrova tries to resotore gannandorf.
User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons GBC
The legend of zelda oracle of ages is about link when he is trying to restore the seasons and gets essences of nature. There is 8 doungeons that are very fun and puzziling. The plot of the game starts when you are in the woods asleep and you are needed. You meet Din with a group of people at the begining. After you are done dancing you are attacked by someone named Onox who recks the party. He takes nayru so he can imprison her. Onoxe's plan is to imprison nayru and bury the temple that houses the seasons spirits, Onox said,"The seasons of holdrum will be cast into chaos,the bountiful gifts of nature will rot, and all living things perish!!!!!!" That is the world of darkness that i long for! So he then imprisons Din into a crystal like in zelda orcarina of time. This causes the temple to go underground. Back to link the nurse of pincess zelda/ finds him on the ground passed out. Link has the triforce symbol on his hand. Which means the hero Link and Din were destined to meet. Now you start north near a house just north of holdrum and go down to the town holdrum where you meet the maku tree which is the gaurdian of all holdrum,but you need to first go to the heroes cave to get the sword. Once you have gotten it you meet the great maku tree who tells you what to do.Now the epic quest begins and that's what the game is about. BUT! thats not all. Once you beat the game you get a code which will let you play a completely diffrent story line.(To enter code erase the file remember password and type in passwords and you will get the story line).After you have beaten onox you will have another part and destroy twinrova and ganondorf's shadow form or something. And when you destryoed them you get princess zelda and save her. The game was also released at the same time as oracle of ages. If you buy this you sure will want to buy oracle of ages. Oracle of seasons is a great puzziling and fun game that you will want to get if you can play gameboy games the last item that could play them was the nintendo sp.So if you get a chance get it. Thank you for reading my review over the legend of zelda oracle of seasons.