This game just has everything.
This is what i like to call some of the best gameplay i have ever played. it is just so amazing.
The graphics are regular GBC graphics and they are still very good.
This has one of the BEST music soundtracks i have ever heard! EVER! I would pay 10$ for an album with the backround music of this game on it. It is just so amazing.
The value of this game is simple: it will never get old. no matter how much you improve on gameplay or whatever this style and the way the game works is still amazing and it will never die.
There are parts of this game that are hard, some that are easy, but it all balances out. This is acutally a great Zelda game to pick up if it is your first time. it will give you the whole expericence.
You could wander around this game for hours a day and have a few weeks of playing and never find ALL the hidden items and heart peices and power ups, especially if you intertwine both the games and do all the secrets. there are Hundreds of them. there are times in this game that offer a whole new experience, like when you find your animal buddy, but once you have the basics down its not to hard to figure out what to do next.
This game was just SO amazing... i have played it several times. i would reccomend this to ANY type of gamer.