This is my second favorite Zelda game.

User Rating: 8.9 | The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons GBC
This game has a lot of great and adventurous dungeons and caves. The rod of seasons is a unique and interesting item, I like it though a lot. I like how the change of seasons played into what happened next in the game.

The only thing that really seemed to drive me nuts was running into Maple. She seemed to be a rather useless character to me.....with the exception of a couple of rupees and the piece of heart!

I really enjoyed going to Subrosia....that place is awesome (and yes I know it's not a real place...but it's still awesome). The Subrosians are some really cool and yet mysterious characters. I have to say the dance they have is amusing....took a little practice for me, but once I got it down, it was rather unique!

I also like the graphics on this game.