It boasts great 3D graphics for the system, but bad pacing and an uneven difficulty curve keep it from perfection.
The game looks very good. The environments look better than any NDS game I've ever seen and the detailed animations are the icing on the cake. One thing I thought was kind of lame is that the game doesn't have very good water effects. There aren't any waves that ripple away from your boat. I know that I'm asking a lot of a handheld system, but Wind Waker had amazing water effects and I was hoping to see some of that magic. But again, it is a handheld, so I guess I can let that slide.
This game is the third direct sequel in the Zelda universe. The game begins as Tetra, AKA Princess Zelda and Link are sailing away from Outset Island from the ending of Wind Waker. It seems that they are looking in cursed ocean waters to find a treasure on board a ghost ship. They find the ghost ship and Tetra climbs on. Only for our dimwitted hero to jump and get washed up on an island where everybody's favorite companion of Link appears. A CLONE OF NAVI. Complete with sounds like "Hey!" and "Listen!"
One thing I hated about this game is having to return to the Temple of the Ocean King every time you go to a new dungeon, exploring new floors each time. About half-way through, you get a portal you can take to go directly to the 7th of the 13 floors of the temple, but you lose as much sand in the hourglass as it took you to get threre the first time. It was extremely repetitive and had me cheating my way through it because I didn't want to put up with it.
Graphics: 9
Story: 7
Entertainment: 8
Difficulty: 6.5
Controls: 10
Final Score: 8.5
Pros and Cons:
+Flawless Controls
+Great Graphics
+Good Length (10-20 Hours)
+Quite a few sidequests
+Exceptional Arsenal of Weapons
+Masterfully designed dungeons
-Uneven Difficulty
-Temple of the Ocean King gets repetitive