Clever use of the DS controls as well as innovative and fun gameplay makes Phantom Hourglass a must buy for any DS owner
The opening hour can get a little tedious when teaching you the controls but does a great job of introducing you to the storyline.
The plot sees Tetra get kidnapped by a ghostly ship and Link set out to look for her.
The game keeps players involved by including side missions as well as a lot of detective work and puzzles to find your next destination. Puzzles make clever use of the DS controls such as one puzzle that sees you having to shut the ds and open it again to advance.
Dungeons feel rewarding and the clever checkpoint systems open doors that make it easy to get to and from the beginning with ease which helps a lot in the latter stages of the game.
Fun mini games as well as the ability to collect hearts, and parts for your ship will keep players occupied even when they do not feel like completing the main quests.
Overall the game goes into great detail and is very rewarding. It is fun all the way through and with clever puzzles and great cell shaded graphics, Phantom Hourglass is a must buy for any DS owner.