The first Zelda game on the DS can be compared to console Zelda games.
The graphics are cartoony, just as Wind Waker was. Not much to say here.
The gameplay is great- draw a little line with your pen to slash, tap on the enemy to stab, and tap repeatedly somewhere else to roll(doesn't work very well, however, but fortunately isn't very useful). On the ship, you can tap somewhere to shoot your cannon(you don't start out with it, I think), and you just draw the route of where you want to go. Very simple.
The story is that you and Tetra are sailing on a pirate ship along with your very own crew. That is, until, the Ghost Ship attacks your ship and kidnaps Tetra. You are also knocked out, and eventually wake up on an island. Find out what happens next on your own.
That's all I really have to say about this game- it would be a great game to anyones game collection, and for you Zelda fans out there, don't worry about the DS games being the downfall of Zelda. Btw, Spirit Tracks doesn't live up to this great game, but it's still a very good game,