This game mixes action, exploration, puzzles, and a damn good multiplayer. DEFINETLY worth buying

User Rating: 9.5 | Zelda no Densetsu: Mugen no Sunadokei DS
A gamer that is highly worth the wait. I just got this game today and im already hooked.

Gameplay: Very well thought out puzzles, EPIC boss battles, good action and other things. The only thing im not so crazy about is the automatic jump. it takes all the risk out of some areas. Some of the fun in other Zelda games was the leap of faith and hoping that you make it, and either wiping the sweat of your forehead when you make it, or sorrowfully watching link plummet to his peril.

Sound: Pretty good. NPC SFX can get a bit repetitive however.

Graphics: the lovable storybook-type graphics make another appearance in this game.