Not the most memorable Zelda game on the handhelds
I had very high expectations for this game, with Minish Cap and Wind Waker in mind. Both game were very memorable, and featured a cartoon ish young Link. Too bad PH didn't reach up to the shoulders of MC or WW, and if you ask me, theres plenty of reasons for that.
What I enjoyed with the Wind Waker, was the sailing. The sailing made a comeback to PH, but it weren't the same on the tiny DS displays compared to a television. Also you had to draw a line were the ship was going to sail with the stylus, and thereby follow your preset course. This became kind of boring, just waiting till the boat reached from point a to b on that line. Eventually some annoying monsters came, and you could just point them away with the stylus.
The idea of using the stylus in combat, made combat be a bit too easy if you ask me. All I had to do were to click on the monsters, and they were easely defeated.
The puzzles were quite frustrating at some times. Remember that Ghost Ship with all the levers on on that floor? That was the dumbest puzzle I've ever solved in any Zelda game (I even had to use a walkthrough to solve it).
The areas in the games were too similar, the soundtrack was nothing campared with the rest of the Zelda games, and the games was very short.
Don't misunderstand me, it was a fun game to play, but not a game I would ever play through again.