This game has the best controls for the touch screen and it is very innovative. It has good graphics and is addicting.

User Rating: 10 | Zelda no Densetsu: Mugen no Sunadokei DS
This game is absolutely amazing, especially the use of the touch screen and its graphics. It starts out almost like every Zelda game. You have to rescue someone with Link. The touch screen is mostly used throughout the game to move, open treasure chests, and talk to people. The graphics are probably the best for the DS.

This game will instantly hook on to you. Even if you beat it, you will want to play it over and over again. It never ends! There are lots of puzzles and mazes to go through. There are also some very innovative islands, including the Dee Ess Island. There are many characters in the game that are new to the story. The Temples are very hard at first, but you will get use to them later on. Like every Zelda game though, you can't save it once you beat it. I would recommend this game to all Zelda and non-Zelda players.