The newest addition in the Zelda family, the best yet? Quite possibly.

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword WII
Being primarily a nintendo fan at heart since following the systems since the release of the NES, the Zelda franchise has become a core of both my childhood and my older years, so when Skyward Sword was announced i was excited to say the least.

It follows Link as usual in another adventure to save Zelda from something evil, the basic nintendo game design formula 'hero saves the girl'. Skyward Sword makes good use of the Nintendo Wii's 'motion plus' controller, something i found to be a great addition after being sceptic about how it would turn out to begin with. Links sword actions fluidly follow the direction in which you move the remote and it does give more of a sense of you being in the game as opposed to previous Wii title 'twilight princess'.

The game starts off !SPOILER ALERTS! With Link training to become a knight of skyloft, i found the flying mechanics to be a bit meh since when your sat down to play, going down is a bit harder to do especially with a wall mounted TV, and i don't think you should have to stand up to play through a the entirety of a huge RPG. After a while i got in a position on my couch where i could to a degree compentently make Link go downwards without much trouble. As much fun as the flying is especially the use of the Wii motion plus, it's not really as good as riding the Horse like in previous games. Eventually Zelda falls through the clouds seperating Skyloft from the world below and its up to Link to go and rescue here. I found the skydiving parts quite fun although they didn't really add anything major to the gameplay in general.

The combat is very much the same as the older games move wise with the same old gadgets showing up and the old 360 spin making its return, granted they are made more fun by the Wii motion plus. Most the familiar enemy types return and are just as fun to slice up as before and the Dungeon format with sub and main bosses returns as well. The dungeons themselves are still very much fun to play through and i did get stumped at points trying to figure out what my next move was.

There are a lot of sub quests to get involved in, and a marketplace where you can craft items and potions etc if you ever want a break from the main story arc. Overall the presentation is great and the Graphics don't fail to impress which is expected from Zelda game's.

In summary without revealing TO much about the plot and the story, Skyward Sword is an amazing game, it has been named the best Zelda game in the series to date by most the main publications, and as much as i do love this game, i can't agree with that since i still think Orcarina of Time and Windwaker are better. If your new to the Zelda franchise and started your Nintendo experience on the Wii then this game is a definate must buy, at least before you get Twilight Princess since you really need to play both because they both rock. If your not new to Zelda then buy it anyway but don't expect it to knock your top game in the series off its pedastool straight away.