Words Can't Describe How Wrong GS Is...
When you are sitting in your own room immersing yourself into this fantastic game, you will forget every bad thing you've read in GS' review, because this game is just beyond awesome.
Your first goal is to spend some time getting acquainted with the fighting controls and the FLIGHT controls for the bird. Once you got that down, you will be able to really start getting into the MEAT of this game. I've only just started the first dungeon and I am absolutely in love with this game. It's Zelda taken to the next level.
Combat difficulty is higher than its ever been in the series, that fact cannot be denied by anyone. Zelda games for the most part have been pretty easy throughout, especially combat. Not this time around though. When you FIRST encounter new enemies, you will find that several of them are higher on the defensive end than they've ever been. You eventually learn the best ways to chop them down, but that in itself adds a whole new level of awesome to the game.
I will be the first to admit, I HATE WAGGLING GAMES. Donkey Kong woulda been hella better with a classic controller pro, and plenty of other games could have done without crappy waggle functions, but Skyward is the FIRST game where the controls are so awesome once you get them down, that you truly would not have it any other way. The gameplay and the way Link controls from fighting, to running and climbing are just so fluid, intuitive, and fun that it makes all other Zelda games seem sluggish, stiff, and boring (TWILIGHT PRINCESS I'M LOOKING AT YOU).
All this negative talk I've been hearing about Skyward is how I felt about Twilight....THAT is the real Zelda game that feels dated. Skyward Sword and Wind Waker easily trump Twilight in every facet.
The other complaint is that the predictable formula is getting old, but I wouldn't have it any other way. There have been overhauls to so many aspects of gameplay, what's the point in tampering with the Zelda formula any further than that? At the end of the day, fans want to play a Zelda game that FEELS like Zelda, with new additions to the gameplay to make it feel fresh. Skyward accomplishes this with FLYING COLORS.
I haven't gotten far enough to tell if it's the best Zelda game ever made, but after only a few hours I can see that I will be loving every moment of this game (unlike Twilight which was awful outside of the dungeons).
Zelda fans, ignore the crappy reviews. This is the best Zelda game in a VERY VERY long time. Nothing about it seems like a chore. Every aspect is fast, fun, and action packed. Out of all the praises I've given this game so far, I haven't even scratched the surface of how deep the puzzles are (I CANT WAIT!!!).
So...in short...get this game. ASAP.