The negative outweight the positive.
- Musics are tolerable at most
- The world is ridiculously small
- The game is too easy.
- Many things are worthless/useless (some items, equipments, rewards)
- The game is 50% or more about round trips
- 0 difficulty
- The sky is useless and boring
- Re-playability (don't want to play through the game a second time)
- Play time (but this time, I wish the game good be 2 times shorter.
Pros :
- Desert idea is good (crystals...)
- Motion + well done (but really limited)
- Graphics ok.
- Re-playability (for those who can bear the game after the first play-through)
Sure it's usually a pleasure to run through a Zelda dungeon but there's no difficulty in battle and for puzzles.
We are far from what could be an excellent Zelda game, with adventure, challenge and puzzles.
The music don't help at all.
The only theme I can remember is the main theme (the one that can be heard in most trailers)
There's no need to talk about story with a Zelda game and it's better for this one more than ever.
Go for almost any other Zelda from A link to the past to twilight princess, nearly all of them are far better.