If there is any game that deserves to be 'the last hoorah' for the Nintendo Wii, It would be Skyward Sword.
PROS: Even after 15 years, the formula and gameplay is still strong. New Places to go, and people to see. Fi is the best helper in any Zelda game. Incredible Soundtrack. Graphics are Colorful, though tiring. Controls suprisingly well. Flying around in the sky is awesome.
CONS: Graphics look a bit tiring later on. If your calibration on your wii-mote is really off, it will screw up your controls. A major technical issue that happened during release.
Now Skyward Sword has been enormous praise, calling it one of the best, if not, the best Zelda game yet. Everyone is praising it. Well, except one gamesite. Hmm...i wonder what gamesite that is...? Anyways, you're probably wondering what i think of it? Well...Its a great entry to the series, its fun, and its awesome.
This has been said a lot, but Skyward Sword is like if Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and The Wind Waker combined themselves, and it came out this. Well, i gotta say, it is impressive. To try to top something as awesome as those 3 other games is no easy task. Heck, trying to top Ocarina of Time is hard to do. Is it better than Ocarina of Time? Um...I will say almost. But enough with that, lets talk about the game.
You play as Link...obviously...as you embark another journey that takes place...before Ocarina of Time?! (damn it Nintendo) You are in a place in the sky, this place is called Skyloft. And to shortened this so i won't spoil a huge much...you'll need to go down the surface below. As you explore new Dungeons, solve new puzzles, and meet some new, and old creatures. One of these new characters is actually one that helps you. OK, in Ocarina of Time, you had Navi. In Twilight Princess, you had Midna, now In Skyward Sword, we have a weird creature named Fi. Thankfully, shes not as annoying as Navi, or insulting as Midna. Making Fi by far, the best helper in Zelda.....history?
The gameplay is the same formula, but that's the beauty of these Zelda game. The formula is so good that seeing it over again, but with new things thrown in, makes it even better. The combat/swordplay is kinda similar to a game in Wii-Sports Resort, you take your Wii-mote, and move it all over the place to slash your sword around. But in Skyward Sword, there's cool moves you can execute, like a death-blow.
Now the one thing i feared, for this new Zelda game was its controls. Due to the fact it used Wii-Motion Plus. I was wondering how it would control? Thankfully, it controlled smoothly. It was responsive, and fine for me. One little complaint is that if you don't calibrate it properly, it WILL give you alot of trouble.
Speaking of complaints, another complaint I have, is that the graphics, though colorful, are kinda tiring to look at sometimes. I know, its the Wii. And Graphics don't make a game good. But it would be nice to see jaw-dropping graphics. But you know what? I don't care.
But on the other hand, Skyward Sword has a fantastic soundtrack. Nintendo, once again, has made a awesome, heart-throbbing music score, and Did you know that the Skyward Melody, is actually Zelda's Lullaby backwards? Man, Nintendo is awesome like that. And to make even more awesome, the sky, man, the sky. Its like The Great Sea in The Wind Waker. Its awesome to explore flying around with Link in the Sky....with diamonds. lol
Theres just One, HUGE problem with Skyward Sword. And This needs to be mention. Well, During the game, there is a technical issue that can prevent the player progressing further in the game. Rendering their game unplayable. Thankfully, Nintendo realized this, and released an update for the game. Which is a good thing. But seriously, if you have NO Internet connection, you can't download the update. So yeah, even with all these problems aside, they matter, but not a whole lot, their just major nit-picks i have. I love this game. Skyward Sword is the best Wii game of 2011. People who hate this game can go suck on a Wii-Mote. ~2011 Winner: Best Wii Game~
I don't care what anyone says, you need to play this game. Its not the best. But its really close to being the best. And with the Wii's retirement, If there is any game that deserves to be 'the last hoorah' for the Nintendo Wii, It would be Zelda: Skyward Sword. Buy it, nuff said.