This game battles you with combat skills and precise accuracy to make the perfect and awesome game.

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword WII
The game of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, is like no other: You use Wii Motion Plus, you get to make the decisions that impact your game, and you get to explore many areas of land and sky throughout the game. I used to like The Wind Waker because you had to explore the sea in search of treasure and fortune. Now, it is like they made that option for Skyward Sword, because nothing can be left unoticed.
There is a repetitious subject that everyone knows: Zelda is lost, find her, go through Temples, and defeat the Bosses. But in this game, you can go to many sidequests and recieve bounties of rupees or items of worth. Overall, I'd rate this game a 9, I took 1 off because of the annoying calibratrions and re-centerings that you need to do to make the sword and you align up and make a good strike.