Skyward Sword might drive you nuts, but its a solid enough addition to the Zelda series

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword WII
As described in the classification, I have very mixed feelings about my playthrough of Skyward Sword.

There are a few gameplay mechanics that made some moments of a game a nightmare. The combat took a long time to get used to, and was sometimes made difficult by the sluggish response of the wiimote. This was particularly bad for some of the more difficult bosses but it didn't make the game unplayable.

The combat was essentially downgraded from Twilight princess in my opinion, which weighed heavily on me during my 40+ hours of the game. In addition, very annoying gimmicks like the introduction of shield durability. Now, even a metal shield can break from a bunch of enemy attacks so I went through the game without one to save me the trouble.

The story is the most divergent one of the series since Windwaker. Whereas you only had incentive to save Ilia and Midna in Twilight Princess (not Zelda), Nintendo put Link and Zelda's bond on steroids. Link's emotion comes gushing out in half the cutscenes and he feels more like a character than he did in something like Ocarina of Time where he was just a badass.

I also really liked the antagonist. Don't want to spoil it for you so I won't talk about it too much, but it looks like Nintendo really created some memorable characters in this one.

The main gripes I have about the game (other than the combat) have to do with the way that you feel like you're backtracking half the time. I'm not sure if it's because the game developers had to rush this title or not. Ocarina of time and Twilight Princess, my two favorite Zelda games, required no backtracking. So why did Skyward Sword do it? I found it annoying.

Twilight princess didn't incorporate little songs as well as OOT/Majora's Mask did. All we got was wolf howling. I'm not sure why they seem to be moving away from having a host of songs to use, but at least Skyward Sword reintroduces an instrument that you use at designated locations. Sadly, you have no control over the notes.

Lastly, the "helper" which takes the place of Navi/Midna is... weird. Her voice is kind of cute and she's certainly helpful, but she does math. You'll see what I'm talking about. No personality, unlike Midna who was very feisty and actually fun to talk to.

If you have a wii, this is a game you're obligated to get. I liked Twilight Princess better, but it's still a solid Zelda game after all.