The game isn't the best in the series, but has some redeeming qualities that make it somewhat more fun than others.
It's good, but it's no Ocarina of Time.
Skyward sword is interesting because there is a central hub you will constantly find yourself going back to, a home if you will. This is something that is kind of lacking on most Zelda games, except maybe Majora's Mask with Clock Town. It's nice to go back to the sky and get the goddess chests and you'll find yourself scouting for goddess cubes high and low.
The fighting is also good. The controls with the Wii motion plus are fairly accurate, though I did have some trouble with the "calibration" of the wiimote but that can be fixed by pulling out your slingshot and "centering" the sights, but that doesn't always work when you find yourself in a sword fight against a boss or mini boss.
The controls are FUN, though. I'd hardly ever say that about wii controls, simply because if I can use a gamecube controller instead, I'm using the GC controller. This game... I'd never want to use a GC controller. The only thing that is really lacking from the controls is the bow/slingshot aiming when you're in battle. They're pretty much useless on opponents that aren't far away. It's not possible for you to Z-target and use the bow like in OOT, Majora's Mask, or TP.
The failures of the game are, in my opinion, the lightness of it. The game is in many ways just a light game.
The difficulty is light, you'll die here and there but never twice to the same enemy. The hardest part is actually getting used to the fact that just about every boss that you sword fight with will require you to swing your wiimote in specific directions. The puzzles are also pretty straight-forward as well. I think the longest I was stuck on a puzzle was looking around for ~10 minutes.
The tone is very light, too. I wasn't a huge fan of it, personally, due to the fact that it kind of stifled any kind of sense of imminent danger that should and could have been present in the game. It was just all to playful. I mean, you're trying to hold back the ultimate evil, but the game has much too much comedic relief with Groose and such.
The art ties in here with the tone of the game, as well. There is just too much of a cartoony look the the characters. Twilight princess, the most graphically adept Zelda game before Skyward sword, was definitely better than this game. The art was much too "round" and "soft" to give out any sense of danger... ever. I never felt danger or scared... anything. I remember the times in OOT where the redeads would scream and I would be terrified. I remember Majora's Mask was simply.... terrifying. TP was pretty dark too, with the shadow realm. I think the light turn that this game took was something Nintendo should never do again. it made the game more about the "fun" than the adventure, the failure of the Wii system in general.
Overall, it's a good game. It's no OOT, Majora's Mask, or TP, but it's worth the time it takes to play it.
It simply wasn't good enough to go through and beat it completely in my opinion. I didn't get all the heart pieces, or the bugs, or the medals or anything else. I just played it, beat and and was done. It has a Hero Mode at the end, which I guess is "harder" but making an easy-normal game hard just doesn't seem that attractive to me. Maybe in a few years I'll play it again, but at the moment it just doesn't seem to have that much replay value.