Does the latest installment of the Zelda franchise reach for the ''sky'' or will it tumble and fall.
25 long years and I have never before reviewed a Zelda game, I have had all the time in the world to write down my thoughts about the games in the series, but I have always felt like my words only would repeat what others before me already have said.
But I feelt like this was the time for my first ever Zelda review, as I feel this game might actually need one.
To start with, I will not be going into details about story and so on, because no one like spoilers, with that said here we go.
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword might just have been the most anticipated game of 2011 and with all rights, the game looks and sounds great, although Im still waiting for a Zelda in HD.
The Graphics:
The art direction that they have taken in ZSS feels like a mix between Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, it has a watercolour tone to it and while not the greatest graphics I have seen, it still manage to impress and embrace.
The Sound:
This is one of the most epic soundtracks ever created, the reason for this is that it's orchestrated (live instruments) and that is just amazing, when I heard the main theme I got goosebumps and tears in my eyes, yea it's that good.
The Gameplay:
This is where it's at, in ZSS you as a player have complete control over Links hacking and slashing dodging and blocking and many more awesome features, this is all thanks to the Wii motion +, this makes it possible for you to swing your sword with precise accuracy and feel even more emerged into the Zeldaverse then ever before. You are also able to block with your nun-chuck as a shield and draw arrows as you ready a shot with your bow, and with all the bosses being designed after this groundbreaking gameplay it really feels like you are Link.
For the more classic things to expect from a Zelda game we have awesome dungeon designs and great puzzles which only adds to the epicness.
The Story:
As I said I will not touch to much on the story in this game as I don't want to spoil anything for you, but... I have to say this, the story in ZSS didn't really impresse as much as I had wished for it to do, not that it's bad it just felt a bit dull and repetitive, and it was way to short. I seriously tried not to advance to fast through the story as I wanted the game to last as long as possible but after 20-24 hours the end credits rolled passed the screen, this wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't for one little thing... When the game feels like it's supposed to begin, it ends and it leaves you wanting so much more.
I love the Zelda series and will always do, and Skyward sword is an amazing game, but after all the hype and talking about it being the biggest Zelda up to date, it fell a bit flat on the finish line. The combat is great, the sound amazing and the art-work is beautiful, this is a must buy for all Wii owners and fans, but don't expect a link to the past or an ocarina of time.