While repeditivity issues are still there, and boringness can be rife, this game is still a fantastic experience.
You start off as Link (Or Jono, Monkey J, Elephant and anything else you can fit in 8 letters) in an engineer's uniform. Today you are getting initiated into the legion of engineers and you have an audience with the princess. So after stocking up on Puppy Fuel (Gamespot Joke) you set out in your Train to get to Hyrule in a time limit. I warn you now, the train may seem novel, but is an experience that dies quickly and is totally dull. You then meet the princess talk to her meet the antaganist and are thrust into a series of cutscenes and a plot in which:
Zelda Dies.
So you go to the Spirit Tower, a tower that is taken apart in the events of the cutscenes so you may only visit the first section and get the first map. It is in this part where you may control zelda by posessing a phantom. The only way to possess a phantom is by powering up your sword with 3 "Tears of Light" and then tapping it to take over it's body.
So then it becomes a temple raider in which you visit 3 temples that each have the EXACT SAME setup. You go to the region's city then they tell you how to get to a "sanctuary" where a "Locomo" lives. With the orcarina, yes it's back, you join them in song, which lights up your map revealing new tracks that you go to the temple on. You have to blow into the mic though, which can be annoying.
You follow basic Zelda Temple Template
1. Visit Puzzle floors
2. Be given a new item
3. Finish Puzzle Floors
4. Battle Boss with your new item, because that is the item's purpose
5. Get New heart
This then fixes one more segment of the spirit tower that then allows you to repeat it again, but skipping the floors you already covered.
This was believed to fiz the Zelda PH repeditivity issue, and for the most it did, however you still must collect new tears of light everytime yu enter, so even if you sava and take a break, when you come back you must collect the tears again.
Oh and if anyone loved Phantom Hourglass's MP, they took that away and did the nintendo "Now more can play" thing that bugs me always. instead of playing rounds as phantoms and Link, which could be unfair, it became up to four peaple running around picking up force gems and storing them until the timer runs out, with a few lame powerups on the side. And yes it does suffer from Mario Kart Syndrome.
Goods and Gripes
-Good Gameplay
-Great DS Graphics Use
-New additions fix SOME of Phantom Hourglass's repeditivity
-Big world, with a few fetch quests that are great when bored
-MP was destroyed
-The train is really boring (We love you Pirate Ship)
-Still is repeditive in a few parts
-Tears Of Light Reset issue
This is overally a good game and while it has improvements on Phantom Hourglass, it also looses a few things that made the prequel (By 100 years i'm told) great.