If you enjoy playing a broken flute while a mildly retarded looking teapot with wheels chastises you this is your game.
The game starts off OK and tries to trick you into thinking the Train is concept is an advancement on the boat. In reality it shows the level of creativity brought to this game. It's as if the devs said let's take all the ideas (and assets) from previous Zelda games change them up a bit and then sell it back to the fans.
For me, a long time Zelda fan, this game had limited appeal from the get go but the fan-boy in me said push on. But in actually, I felt embarrassed to play it in public. Almost like I was watching teletubies or doing something equally infantile. That isn't even when they force you to play the instruments which trust me, makes you look like a total fool and is bad enough on it's own. The instruments are easily the most frustrating thing I have experienced in a game. They just don't work, blow into the mic and it records three notes or two notes or no notes and almost never the right one. I actually ripped out the cartridge and threw it across the room in frustration.
So thank you Miyamoto for butchering my childhood. If anyone wants a slightly dented cart for cheap let me know (not really)