Touch screen is put to good use, but zelda could have played a more important role.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks DS
An entertaining game, although zelda acts like a complete ass most of the game, quote* you go into the dungeon and get the map while i wait here and sit on my ass passing the time with a hideously deformed talking teapot that i dont know the gender of untill it tells me.*okay maybe its not the exact words but you catch my drift.

The puzzles are a wide range of difficulties, some just hitting a simple switch, while others are ringing 3 different size bells to open various doors.some where even frusturating enough to where i had to check back on the site for the soulutions.

The train is your may mode of transportation, in fact its your only mode.....
its very slow most of the time. the tracks are riddled with annoying monsters that you must shoot with cannons.

your graphics are a bit chinky, although thats with any ds game, and the villan of the game is an ugly floating business dude with horns and evil eyes....maybe hes a lawyer?

the controls are a bit awkward at times, but they just take time getting used to, i wouldnt recomend playing this game in public because you will look like a complete idiot blowing into your ds whenever you play your flute, or speaking into the mic.overall a fun game with good replay value