The best handheld game ever. The best Zelda game since Ocarina of Time.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap GBA
This is simply the best thing to happen on the GBA. The graphics are fantastic. The gameplay is great. The sound is as well executed as could be hoped for on a handheld. This game is one of the finest entries in the greatest series in all of gaming. Some people may complain about the story being short. I would say that this is a longer game than I expected on a GBA - especially considering the kinstone and statue side quests. If you aren't comparing this game to Ocarina of Time or some other console game, it will be obvious that this is a rich and satisfying game. It is my hope that this perfectly crafted jewel of a game will draw even more people into the Zelda universe. Capcom has proven itself able to produce a Zelda title rivaling Nintendo's proud pedigree.