Best handheld RPG ever and also the best Zelda game for handheld. Overall, it's pretty easy with few frustrating parts.

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap GBA
Zelda is one of those few game that I will spend time and play. I didn't even buy this game until a year later after the release date. For me, money is never an issue when it comes to buying game. Why did I waited so long? Because I didn't expect it to be exactly fun for a handheld..espeically not after when I played Wind Waker, which I think is the best in the Zelda series and also my top rpg and top games of all time. The graphic is bright and clear and really reminds me of winder waker (cell shaded). I give it 10/10

The sound fx and music are great. I give it a 10/10.

The controlling is great for GBA system. I give it a 10/10

Gameplay is defintely one of the best one, but from what I's pretty short. I haven't beat the game yet, but will soon.. From what I all zelda game..I'll give it a 10/10.

Stop ready this and buy it .......especially if u play this on your DS, the graphic and sound will be cleaner.