a nice send off to the last of the traditional zelda games, minish cap is a great experience.

User Rating: 8.9 | The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap GBA
The legend of zelda has always been a superb franchise. since its debut on the famicom/NES its been considered one of the most innovative and entertaining gaming franshises of all time. though 2D zelda was where it started, the games have moved in several different territories and never stopped taking risks while remaining true to what makes the games great (Zelda II, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker).

The minish cap does introduce a new concept, but also remains true to the perfected 2D zelda formual, and seeing as this may be the last "conventional" zelda game since the DS is now a factor as is the Revolution and Twilight Princess, this is a great way to prove how great the forumla was and still is. the gameplay is near perfect and there is so much to do aside from the regular quest(as is the case with every zelda). the music is masterfully done and the graphics help keep the charm of Wind Waker.A must have for any zelda fan.