Zelda has returned even closer to its original roots!
The main idea of the game is that you can shrink in size to complete certain missions and sidequests. This also plays a big part in the story, which is very original and one of the best to be incorporated in a Zelda game for a long time.
The GBA is pushed to its limits with The Minish Cap. The animation is flawless complete with beautiful environments and original enemies.
Another strong point of the game. The music strongly represents the feel of Zelda games, while the sound effects are also strong.
Unfortunately, the game itself is rather short, and the amount of sidequests is limited. The game relies mostly on fun factor in this department.
All gamers can enjoy The Minish Cap to its fullest extent. Although it still pales in comparison to A Link to the Past, it's worthy of its title and will bring fun and joy for hours at a time.