Another amazing Zelda game.
And seriously, it's amazing. I really need to go back and catch up on my Zelda.
This game was just engrossing. It had all the old school stuff: dungeon crawling, puzzles, item collecting, and kicking a#$. But on top of there there was SO MUCH CRAP in this game!! I mean, in the good way. It was overwhelming trying to get EVERYTHING. The trading heart thingy matching system is crazy. You have to talk to everybody constantly, and run all over the d@#$ place to get all the little heart chips.
I'm not complaining. It was fun. I just didn't get everything. I don't have the patience anymore. I like the fact the game feels FULL though. It just has so much you can obsess on if you want.
But if you don't, it's just a rock solid game. Play it. Now.