Awsome game with great gameplay and well produced graphics.
The best aspect of the game that you will notice is its amazing gameplay. The controls of the game are very simple, with the B button being the button used to wield your sword and slash, cut, and swing with it. The R button wields you shield and the X,Y, and Z buttons have the ability to be assigned an item for use. The A button is a universal kid of button used to jump, roll, etc. when appearing on the screen. The L button is used as a lock-on feature that allows you to easily keep track of one enemy and ,when attacked, to use a parry feature to counter an enemies attacks with the A button.
The whole game proves to be very fun with the implemented side-quests that can at times be pretty fun. Although the one standout of the whole game is its very fun boss fights that offer the perfect amount of difficulty you would want out of a boss fight. One of the best parts of the game is that none of the dungeons or parts of the game feel the same. Although you spend quite a bit of time in the various dungeons throughout the game they never feel the same and always offer very different and fun puzzles to solve with varying monsters.
One of the make or break points of the game for some people can be the graphics because of the fact that some people can hate the cell-shaded graphics used in the game. Even though the game looks like it, at first site, is just for kids, it is actually a game that can prove to be just as interesting just as much for adults as it is for kids.
The sound in the game is solid although it could have been a lot better. The music in the game is very well put together and goes really well with the games different points. The one disapointing thing in the sound department is its non-existint voice acting. Instead of speech the game uses a bunch of different squeals and yelps in replace of the voice acting. This is a disapointment but not anywhere near enough to feel like it makes the game any worse.
Don't judge this game on its childish graphics or its zero voice acting but all on its simply amazing gameplay that will keep you immersed throughout the game the whole time.