Finally- The legend you SHOULD have been waiting for.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
When 'Nu Celda was announced there was an uproar- why the kiddy graphics? Those people should be cacking now- they disregarded the best game of 2003 (By far) because it chose a unique and beautiful graphical style. Yes- Peole will be calling me a fanboy now- I don't care- This is definately one of the best games of the year and you needent be a fanboy to enjoy it or say great things about it. Gameplay: This is typical Zelda people- the best action adventure-RPG gaming you can get- Puzzles, Fighting, Spectaculer Boss fights and sailing. What, sailing???? Yes the only major hitch in the gameplay is the boring sailing sessions- although there are breaks in the boredem- Treasure, pirates, ghost ships.... It doesnt spoil the game and it is certainly a new way of getting around the overworld, although personally i prefer the horse in OOT. Ah yes, OOT- when we are on the subject OOT is not the best Zelda game- Link to the past is- Followed closely by this, OOT comes third. This certainly has near flawless gameplay and the puzzles aredevilishly clever. Graphics: Ah yes- This is possibly the sensitive point of the windwaker- many people have a sour taste left in their mouth since the announcement of this game- but why? "Its too kiddy" Shut up. Just Shut Up. This is all i have to say on the matter. Ive spent too many minutes argueing this matter Sound: Beautiful. Only the terrible 'voice acting' Spoils it- Why id they bother? Value: Just become players choice in the UK. Worth every onne of your 20 british pounds. Or dollars. Without a doubt an essential purchase- Buy with confidence.