An instant classic from the first time picking up the controller

User Rating: 9.8 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
This game is just about perfect in every aspect. The adventures story, rescuing your sister eventually leading to learn that you are the true hero of hyrule is old but new in its own way! This game is a great concept for any game to be made. But i am so pleased of how Nintendo took such a risk as to use such cartooney graphics and made this game awsome. I also love the fact of sailing any where on the golbe or whatever you are on... But my most favoured part of this "incredible" game is the multiplayer feature. Dont know what im talking about? Early on in the game you just so happen to meet the strangest little so-called... "farie". Tingle is your main man in this game, he deciphers maps and what not, but the coolest part about him is that once you rerive him from his confinment in "jail"... he offers you a "tingle tuner". You must be thinking this farie is off his rocker but this item it probably the sweetest tool in the game! If you happen to own a gba and a link cord you can have a friend over for endless fun... "Not kidding" your friend can summon tingle to do all of your bidding! He drops bombs on enemies for you "or on you" (after repeated bomb droppings i got agitated by my so called friend!) He can find you hidden treasure or use his devilishly annoying scream tactic to drive you up the wall.(more fun if you are tingle) But all of tis comes at a cost, though not expensive tingle charges you for all the help, dont worry though you dont have to pay for to sream "heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy" at you obnoxoiusly. This game is an "all star" for me, even though there are no voice overs, The repetitive screaming of tingle still makes me feel...Satisfied