If you own a gamecube you already know this game is great! If not, I'm pretty sure you are new or you live under a rock!

User Rating: 9.3 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
First off, If you own any Nintendo System you have played a Zelda game at least once. If you owned a N64 than you have played Ocarina of Time, so I will not tell you that you that the Zelda series is great.

Well Now to the review! My friends If you like a game that has an epic story, great gameplay, and a crazy gay looking guy saying "SPLOOSH" than this is the game for you.

First let us review gameplay! Our hero is controlled by a great fighting system reminicent of the battle system from Ocarina of Time. the addition in this game is the sudden reaction button. If you wait for the right moment and hit the strike button you preform a parry and strike which now seems like where the God of War people got the idea.
Next is the camera. Although the camera can't always be purfect so as with all games have some camera problems.

All things about the game can't be good, some of the side quests get a little annoying when you have to be in a boat for about four minutes to get to an island that you spend all of about twenty seconds on, before you go off in your boat for another four minute ride that really doesn't have much to offer.

The thing that makes this game great is the in depth and really epic story. I can't say much about it because if by some chance you actually are reading this with intent to buy i don't want to spoil things for you.