The sound and music are fantastic, the great overworld music sets an adventurous tone that gets you excited, and the wonderful sea sounds of the waves and birds creates a neat nautical experience.
The game play pertains standard Zelda elements, you have your sword and shield and have basic attacks with those as your main weapon. You collect gadgets and more useful weapons through quests and dungeons such as the boomarang, grappling hook, and the bow. The neat thing about the game is sailing over the wide open sea. The controls on the ocean are easy to use and feel natural. The ocean is huge and fun to exploire the islands. Wind is a big element in the game, and the Wind Waker (a baton that much like the Ocarina is a magical instrument) lets you control the wind and numerous other elements in the game.
The controversial part of the game is the cel-shaded graphics that many Zelda and game fans didn't like, even though the graphics are so awesome. The animation is flawless and looks natural with the wind elements.
The dungeons are really cool, and make you think. As usual the bosses are epic and can be taken down by the simplest of items with the right touch. Exploring the dungeons in Wind Waker is a real treat, you really never know what your going to find.
The game has a perfect blend of action, adventure, and puzzles that will appeal to all and any gamer. Plenty of side quests to keep you coming back, and not really much to complain about. Sometimes when your out at sea, it seems like forever, especially when your doing fetching quests. If you've got a GameCube, then buy this game. If you don't then get a GameCube or a Wii and a GC controller, because Wind Waker is one of the best gaming experiences ever.
- Peter Garrett