It's a fun game unless you get stuck at a part.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
I thought it was pretty good for boss battles but had some really annoying challenges.There was some pretty unique bad guys in it. I never beat though because my progress kept on getting deleted(5 times)and I was to lazy to start from the beginning again. OK graphics but it didn't really have good audio effects. Well that is pretty much all I can say about this game. I you like playing Zelda games I would suggest this one and Zelda:The Four Swords. Anyways great game for people who are patient enough to play it.If you are person who likes quick shooters I don't suggest this or it might cause you to;break your Gamecube, smash the disk and break your T.V. You have been warned.Don't go blaming Nitendo or anything stupid like that.Good-bye everyboy!!